Sunday, 10 October 2010


There are no cards or 3D projects today,  I just wanted to share a few things that are close to my heart these days.  Since moving to Wales and trying to live the country live, we've discovered a lot of things about ourselves.  Mostly that is that City life was never really for us and we are glad not be in it anymore, although I confess to missing a night out in old London town once in while, visiting a few of our favourite restaurants but certainly not the traffic !!!

I just had to share these photos with you. 

The winter is REALLY winter -  at least the ones I've seen anyway!

BUT  the summer is fab!

My scrapbook was missing my presence so when my little Sis visited us for a few days
 this pic just had to be taken - our toes sharing a special moment in the sand !

I fab little shot of a sheep and her little lamb in the field behind us from earlier this summer.

My hens, who look to be on a bit of a mission!

Need a ride?  The sort of thing I never noticed before I had the time to look.

I have no idea why I'm sharing these with you.  I guess I just feel really settled and happy these days and why not share that?  Now I'm not saying that life here is the best thing since sliced bread and theres nothing better than this, but I gotta say..... IT WORKS FOR ME!


P.S.  sorry if this was REALLY boring :)

1 comment:

  1. Your photos are stunning! Your have a wonderful eye for these shots. My two favs are the snail pic and the lamb. Incredible shots! Best, Curt
